Manitoba Sororities
Our History
Manitoba's Panhellenic Council was established in 1928. Through collaboration across Manitoba's Sororities a total of 12 sororities were active at the University of Manitoba at one point. There are currently 3 active sororities, Alpha Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta and Alpha Delta Pi that continue to grow and work together.
Our Council

Letter from Riya,
Panhellenic President
Hello everyone! On behalf of all three chapters, I welcome you all to the University of Manitoba Panhellenic Website. My name is Riya and I am your Panhellenic President for the year 2021! I hope that through this website you can gain a better understanding of what our Panhellenic Community does and learn about what Greek Life is like here at the University of Manitoba. We take pride in being a diverse and inclusive organization which provides women with the opportunity of becoming a better version of themselves.
Each of our chapters offers a supportive, inspirational, and empowering environment that shapes women for much more than just their university experience.
Coming from India, I never thought that settling into a new country could be a pleasant experience. A huge part of that has been joining a sorority! I joined in my second year and that exposed me to meeting so many extraordinary women who inspire me every day and encourage me to do my best. The best thing about being in a sorority is the amount of opportunities that come along with it. From volunteering to academic scholarships, it has opened so many different windows for me. I am so grateful for the role models I have found and the friends that I have made.
I encourage you to explore the different chapters and consider joining our wonderful community. Please reach out to us through our socials if you have any questions and we will be glad to help you!
See you at recruitment!
Riya Gill
Panhellenic President 2021