I joined Alpha Gamma Delta in Fall 2020. I joined because I wanted to make friends on such a large campus and meet new people.
I believe that women need other women.
My mum joined Alpha Gam here at the University of Manitoba when she was my age and went to the same all-girls high school as I did. She instilled this idea in me at a young age, and my environment only fostered it. I want to continue this cycle of female empowerment in female spaces. Being in a sorority offers you the chance to volunteer your time to causes that are important to you, grow into a leader, make mistakes and learn from them, value your academic pursuits and gain lifelong friendships. At first, I was scared, I was afraid I would be judged or not accepted. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Soon enough I found myself surrounded by a group of women who were supportive and dedicated to me. It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made and I never would have imagined I’d have such a large leadership position in only my second year.
I am incredibly thankful to have such supportive women around me and to be a part of the Greek community, joining Gam has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.
I am incredibly grateful for everything this sisterhood has given me.
Clara Ekdahl